※ 【申込にあたっての注意事項(必ずご確認ください)】を更新しましたので、参加を予定している方は必ずご確認ください(令和6年11月18日更新)
※英語の募集案内は下部にあります。(English information below)

① 環境、GX ② 保健、医療 ③ 教育 ④ ジェンダー ⑤ 農業、食糧 ⑥ 都市・
地域開発 ⑦ 文化・スポーツ交流 ⑧ ビジネスプラン ⑨ DX ⑩ 外交政策 ⑪ 観光 ⑫ その他
時期(予定) | 内容 |
2024 年11 月30 日(土)14 時~16 時30 分頃予定 | キックオフセミナー開催(国連世界食糧計画(国連WFP) 日本事務所代表 津村 康博氏による講演、ガイダンス、グループワーク) (みなとみらい21 地区の会場で実施予定) |
2024年12月~2025年2月 | 各グループでの活動及びアドバイザーによるサポート |
2025 年2月下旬~3月上旬 | 中間セミナー開催 |
3月~5月 | 各グループでの活動及びアドバイザーによるサポート |
2025 年5月 | 最終発表 |
・定員 60名程度募集(先着順)
・期間 10月10日(木)~11月20日(水)17時 【募集を締め切りました!】

企画協力:横浜市立大学 吉田栄一教授(アフリカ開発援助研究)
横浜市国際局グローバルネットワーク推進課 学生プロジェクト担当
E-mail:ki-ticad@city.yokohama.lg.jp 電話:045-671-2068
※英語の募集案内は下部です。(English information below)
“Yokohama to Africa Student Project” is accepting applicants
<Application closed>
Living in Japan, does Africa sometimes feel like an unknowable, faraway continent?
It is predicted that by 2050, one in every four people, approximately 2.5 billion, will be from Africa. The economic growth of each country in Africa is remarkable enough for the continent to be called “the last frontier.” By the time you, the students, are active in society, you may find yourself doing business with someone from Africa.
The “Yokohama to Africa Student Project,” scheduled to start in November, is an opportunity to join other students, peers who will lead the next generation, and get to know more about the continent of Africa in a fun and engaging environment.
What is the Yokohama to Africa Student Project?
This is a six-month program for students to learn about Africa in preparation for TICAD9, the 9th Tokyo International Conference on African Development, to be held in Yokohama August 2025. Groups will present what they learn about Africa in a video.
You can expect

Topics to choose from
①Environment and Green Transformation (GX) ② Health and medicine ③ Education
④ Gender ⑤ Agriculture and food ⑥ Urban and land development⑦ Culture and sports exchange
⑧ Business planning ⑨ Digital transformation (DX) ⑩ Foreign policy ⑪ Tourism ⑫ Much more
※Indicate your desired topic(s) and reason(s) for participation in the electronic application system.
Language used
As a general rule, Japanese will be used. (Please consult with us if you would like to use English in your final presentation)
Tentative schedule | Contents |
Saturday, November 30, 2024, 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (tentative) | Kick-off seminar (Lectures by Mr. TSUMURA, Yasuhiro (Head of World Food Programme (WFP) Japan office)) (held at a venue in the MM21 district) |
December 2024 – February 2025 | Group activities with advisor support |
Late February – early March 2025 | Interim seminars |
March – May 2025 | Group activities with advisor support |
May 2025 | Final presentation |
Eligibility for participation
Students enrolled in universities, graduate schools, junior colleges, vocational schools, technical college (4th year and above) etc.
(Regular international students and students of African origin are also eligible)
・Those who are able to participate for the entire six-month duration from November 2024 to May 2025.
(Three in-person seminars where all members will gather together are scheduled during the period. Other activities will be based on individual groups)
※You can apply as an individual or as a group (up to 6 people).
Capacity and application period<Application closed>
・60 applicants (first-come, first-served)
・Period: October 10 (Thursday) to November 20 (Wednesday), 5:00pm
※Application window will close when the maximum number of applicants is reached
※Participants will be divided into groups at the kick-off seminar based on the topics and reasons chosen on their application. It is possible to change topics at the kick-off seminar. However, we may not be able to meet your request.
How to apply
Please apply through the Yokohama City electronic application and submission system.
※Even if you wish to participate in the event as a group, please apply individually using the application form.
※You can also apply from the QR code below.
Please read before applying (Required)
(1)About the final video presentation
・There will be no lending of equipment or other materials for video production. Please use your own smartphones, cameras, computers, etc.
・More details on the video will be explained at the kick-off seminar.
・The videos will be shared on the city’s website, SNS, etc.
(2)Personal Information (Important)
・Personal information provided in the application form will be used only for the purpose of this project. In addition, personal information will not be provided to third parties without your consent (except for project collaborators such as professors and advisors for this project).
(3)About photos and videos
・Yokohama City may take photos and videos of the seminar and post them on the city’s website and other media.
Organized by Yokohama City Supported by JICA Yokohama
With cooperation from Prof. YOSHIDA, Eiichi
(Yokohama City University, International Development Research Office)
Advised by Ms. YOKOYAMA, Hitomi (Development Consultant, International Cooperation)
Yokohama City International Affairs Bureau, Global Networks Department, Student projects